Maine Needs Fatima Ministry Sponsors

We couldn't do what we do without your generous support, and from these Businesses and organizations. Consider making a donation, or shopping with these businesses.

No amount is too small. Your donation to our Maine Needs Fatima Ministry is appreciated.

Return to Order - A great reference inspired by Acclaimed author, scholar and researcher John Horvat II​

Become a Maine Needs Fatima - Ministry Sponsor

Consider making a donation. Behind the scenes, we procure event insurance, tents, equipment, printed supplies, website development, and event advertising all at no cost to our attendees. Any donation helps to defray these costs.

For those who can afford a bit more, Ministry Sponsors are recognized throughout the year on our social media platforms, and in various programs. Early sponsors are proudly listed on our Maine Needs Fatima Calendar* (*absent this year due to the pandemic)

For more information  - reach out to Dan at  1-833-8-FATIMA (833-832-8462) or

100 Years of Fatima - as presented by EWTN Network​

Narrow Straits Piloting Services reminds everyone to pray the rosary for Maine and America

Una Voce Maine- The official Maine chapter of Una Voce America. who share the goal of preserving, promoting, and facilitating the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Latin Mass). They're a great group if like minded Catholics right here in Maine!

Unique Links For Christian Minded Families and Individuals!

Click on these links for more information     <Click here for Our Calendar of Events>

We've come a long way with our live streaming - Here's one of our early streams.

The Abbey Catholic Books and Gifts Store -  or call (207) 885-5813:  One of the best Catholic Bookstores right here in Scarborough Maine.



Saint Annes Parishof Gorham Maine (Special thanks for allowing us to hold our rally here)

Our 8th Year!

July 20th - Join Fr. Cartwright 

at St. Gregory The Great - Rosary and Procession


The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) - The parent organization of America Needs Fatima.  

Doles Orchard Box Shop Pick your own fruit or enjoy a summer event. Before you leave check out the Box shop for those unique gift items and custom engraving.

Start your own Rosary Rally - Watch this great video!

In a Nutshell - If you're getting tired of Netflix providing questionable content with limited settings to protect your children - consider Pureflix. Ellen and I subscribe to Pureflix ourselves.  <Click here for a link to PureFlix>

Click here for more info

Special Events Around Maine - Courtesy of the Portland Diocese

​​Relevant Radio- A great way to learn about the Church. A special shout out for providing some airtime and putting our rallies on their website!

Other Great Links:

America Needs Fatima - America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima​. 

Support Those Who Support US!          (additional Links at bottom of Webpage)

It takes a lot of work to organize and create a safe and successful event. It also takes financial support to help with advertising, event insurance, website and social media maintenance, email support, phone lines, and much more. 

Consider Supporting those who support us, or make a donation: 

Portland Maine Diocese - Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland​

Maide For You! or call 207-653-1837  Personal Cleaning Service. Home, Residential, Post Construction, Organization

Rosary Center - The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary (Archconfraternity) administered by the, Fr. Joseph Sergott of Portland Oregon.


Maine Sign Company - or call (207)-370-5501  Handcrafted signs right here in Maine!. Business signs, Carved house signs, Vintage and Distressed signs, Dimensional signage, Cape Cod Quarterboards.

"... in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph." - Our Lady of Fatima 1917 A.D.

Our Live-Stream Link for those who can't attend in person​


Links and References

There are so many great places to learn about Our Lady of Fatima, Christian values, and history of the church. We encourage you to visit a church (they won't bite you) and talk to parishoners, staff, and priests. God gave man free will, and only you can choose the path you live. Here are some links that may be helpful with your spiritual journey. As you read them, remember that much of the commentary was written by individuals as different as you and I, and they are only a starting point. God sent his own son Jesus to die on a cross for us, his children.  Thank you for reading, and may God and our Blessed Mother bless you. 

click here for more info

Catholic Connection - a weekday morning radio program where you can call-in live and speak with host Teresa Tomeo and some of the leading apologists and theologians in the Church today.  A special shout out  for taking our call during her show!

EWTN - Global Catholic Network - Another great resource with text, audio, and video (EWTN Network).​

In Honor of Father Steven Cartwright. God Bless and Thank You Fr. Cartwright for all that you do for us!

sponsorship provided by an anonymous donor